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Wreaths Across America

  • Saturday, December 14, 2024
  • 05:00 - 12:00
  • Arlington National Cemetery


Registration is closed

CCGW is seeking volunteers to assist Wreaths Across America remember, honor and teach our veterans.

Participate as a wreath-layer, gate greeter, ambassador on the truck crew.

Event Details:

When: 14 DEC 24 (Wreaths In)

When: 11 JAN 25 (Wreaths Out)

Where: Arlington National Cemetery and Alexandria Veteran's Cemetery

Please contact if you are interested in volunteering: Chuck Eassa (Truck Captain) at chuck.eassa@gmail.com 


*Anyone can sign up to be a wreath layer at Wreaths Across America and will enter security at the General entrance

*Gate Greeters, Ambassadors, and Truck Crew will require a wrist band to enter ANC. Chuck Eassa will pick up the wristbands on 10 DEC and distribute at 0500 on 14 DEC prior to the wreath laying.

*We are asking for an additional x7 volunteers to assist with the wreaths on 11 JAN 25.

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Wreaths Across America's mission is to Remember the fallen, Honor those who served, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom. Our volunteers are the beating heart of the program and work year-round to share this important mission and inspire others to join. They aspire to do this by placing wreaths on veteran's graves for the Christmas season and pick them up in January.  They have an extensive fund-raising and volunteer network. This year, the wreath-laying will take place on 14 December 2024 (Saturday) at Arlington and other locations. ANC expects approximately 100,000 volunteers if the weather is good.  

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While many alumni have participated as wreath layers individually, last year CCGW was honored to be a truck crew to hand out the wreaths as well as perform other duties. Here are the volunteer positions:

Truck Crew Chiefs (Truck Captain: Chuck Eassa)
The TCC is responsible for his Truck Crew, Truck, and public Wreath Layers within his section. The TCC will recruit and communicate directly with his Truck Crew (comprised of 12 individuals) in the weeks and days leading up to the WAA-AWP and during the event to ensure each member of the Crew understands the event mission, safety guidelines, and ANC rules. The TCC will distribute all wristbands to Truck Crew members in advance of WAA Day. The TCC will meet his assigned Truck and driver on Friday, December 15 at 11 am at ANC to escort both to a designated spot in the Cemetery. It is the TCC’s responsibility to communicate any emergencies, other concerns, and wreath laying progress to the ZCC.  Chuck Eassa will maintain the truck roster.

Ambassadors serve a unique role within Arlington National Cemetery during WAA-AWP. These 150 individuals will assist in communicating Wreaths Across America’s “Remember, Honor, and Teach” mission. Ambassadors will be assigned to either a section (ensuring the entire section is covered, reporting back to his assigned TCC with progress) or to a post throughout the Cemetery to answer any questions people may have about the WAA organization, mission, or their location within ANC. 

Gate Greeters:
Gate Greeters will be stationed at the gates to Arlington National Cemetery during WAA-AWP to guide visitors onto the grounds. These 50-100 individuals will assist in communicating WAA’s “Remember, Honor, and Teach” mission and direct visitors to specific sections and memorials throughout the Cemetery.

Note: As the POC and Truck Captain, Chuck will follow up with a second email with sign-up details for all the positions (descriptions listed above) as well as a post-event brunch for all team members, volunteers and anyone who wants to join. 

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